Pat Ulrich: Rocks at Lake Tahoe
Pat Ulrich: Looking across Lake Tahoe
Pat Ulrich: Shoreline of Lake Tahoe
Pat Ulrich: Kayaker on Lake Tahoe
Pat Ulrich: Lake Tahoe
Pat Ulrich: Bears and Salmon
Pat Ulrich: Leftovers
Pat Ulrich: Cub along the salmon fence
Pat Ulrich: Stalking salmon
Pat Ulrich: Cub on a log
Pat Ulrich: Captured
Pat Ulrich: Trout tastes better
Pat Ulrich: Lake Tahoe Shoreline
Pat Ulrich: Photographing Tahoe
Pat Ulrich: Happy Thanksgiving -- Enjoy the Feast!
Pat Ulrich: Rainy day, Lake Tahoe
Pat Ulrich: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!