Brian Legg.: Boat rope BW
Brian Legg.: Rust angled
Brian Legg.: Framed
Brian Legg.: Rusty Essex
Brian Legg.: Waterlog
Brian Legg.: Keeping thoughts in, or the world out...
Brian Legg.: Wall detail
Brian Legg.: Combs & Chains
Brian Legg.: Net droplets
Brian Legg.: Shackle
Brian Legg.: Leigh Nets2
Brian Legg.: Leigh Nets3
Brian Legg.: bubbles1
Brian Legg.: bubbles revisited
Brian Legg.: Fallen star
Brian Legg.: Fallen stars
Brian Legg.: Passion is a coiled spring
Brian Legg.: Websicles
Brian Legg.: Websicles2
Brian Legg.: Winter Passion
Brian Legg.: Smelly Stix
Brian Legg.: Smelly Stix2
Brian Legg.: Smelly Stix3
Brian Legg.: curtain5
Brian Legg.: Fence1
Brian Legg.: Websicle abstract
Brian Legg.: A sunny afternoon in the kitchen