WestSideLaura: Erika's first chicha
WestSideLaura: Dinner!
WestSideLaura: Walking around the colonial center
WestSideLaura: Typical day in Quito
WestSideLaura: Neat architecture
WestSideLaura: Erika in the square
WestSideLaura: Josue
WestSideLaura: Erika
WestSideLaura: Cultural dance
WestSideLaura: Colonial Quito
WestSideLaura: Quito flags
WestSideLaura: Josue tebows Quito
WestSideLaura: Quito
WestSideLaura: Have dog will travel.
WestSideLaura: IMG_2644
WestSideLaura: Old Quito
WestSideLaura: llama
WestSideLaura: The equator is here.
WestSideLaura: Amazon residents
WestSideLaura: Shrunken head
WestSideLaura: How to make a shrunken head
WestSideLaura: Some crazy equator plant
WestSideLaura: At the quinox this thing has no shadow
WestSideLaura: IMG_2664
WestSideLaura: Erika likes the northern hemisphere
WestSideLaura: Tebowing.
WestSideLaura: Different hemispheres
WestSideLaura: Tebowing the equator
WestSideLaura: I'm in both hemispheres.
WestSideLaura: North = Counter Clockwise. South = Clockwise.