Weston Alan: Reception in Dellwood
Weston Alan: Angela
Weston Alan: Rich, Sharon, and Brenton
Weston Alan: Dellwood
Weston Alan: Reception
Weston Alan: Jacinda w/ Axel
Weston Alan: Cake from Key's Cafe
Weston Alan: Kramer's
Weston Alan: Reception
Weston Alan: Mom & Dad
Weston Alan: with the Parents
Weston Alan: Dellwood Hills Golf Club
Weston Alan: Lots o Purple
Weston Alan: Dellwood Hills
Weston Alan: Angela on Piano
Weston Alan: Reception
Weston Alan: Sharon and Jacinda
Weston Alan: Kent with Axel
Weston Alan: Cake from Key's Cafe
Weston Alan: Table 1
Weston Alan: Ry and Michelle
Weston Alan: Melissa & Brandon
Weston Alan: Main course
Weston Alan: Say what