©LazearPhotography: Otis Living Room
©LazearPhotography: Great Dane in Snow
©LazearPhotography: Sophie Close
©LazearPhotography: Maddie blur
©LazearPhotography: Happy Basset
©LazearPhotography: Bella Relaxing (1 of 1)
©LazearPhotography: Bella Summer_
©LazearPhotography: Our morkie.
©LazearPhotography: Maddie on the couch
©LazearPhotography: Great Dane Snow Stare
©LazearPhotography: Bella in Snow_3
©LazearPhotography: Bella in Snow with Ball
©LazearPhotography: Otis in Snow
©LazearPhotography: Bella on Papisan (1 of 1)
©LazearPhotography: Bella Clarity High
©LazearPhotography: Dane Low Head
©LazearPhotography: Dane Lower Head_
©LazearPhotography: Bella Summer 300
©LazearPhotography: Bella Eyes (1 of 1)