John G Donnelly:
John G Donnelly:
the Westies crew get ready for action
John G Donnelly:
Cat and Shona plan their Hodgson Relay victory
John G Donnelly:
John finds it sweaty work
John G Donnelly:
John G Donnelly:
Robert again in front
John G Donnelly:
Robert leads the way
John G Donnelly:
Jason, his dog and Shona
John G Donnelly:
Muffy leads
John G Donnelly:
Robert leads Cat and Simon
John G Donnelly:
Jason's dog awaits its master
John G Donnelly:
a wee breather
John G Donnelly:
Cat strides ahead
John G Donnelly:
the view north
John G Donnelly:
the view north
John G Donnelly:
the Westies crew
John G Donnelly:
that was hard work!
John G Donnelly:
John G Donnelly:
Alan on Stronend
John G Donnelly:
the final descent