Westerville Library:
Board of Trade banner
Westerville Library:
Anti-Saloon League site
Westerville Library:
Basketball team
Westerville Library:
Post Office on E. College
Westerville Library:
Winter Garden theater
Westerville Library:
City Managers report
Westerville Library:
Kilgore toy gun box
Westerville Library:
Wartime program
Westerville Library:
Farmers Exchange
Westerville Library:
Fire Department volunteers
Westerville Library:
WHS Yearbook
Westerville Library:
South State Street
Westerville Library:
3-C parade on State St.
Westerville Library:
Cast of drama production
Westerville Library:
Water treatment plant
Westerville Library:
State Street businesses
Westerville Library:
Masonic temple
Westerville Library:
Readers outside the library
Westerville Library:
Municipal building
Westerville Library:
Construction of the dam
Westerville Library:
Amphitheater work
Westerville Library:
Hanby House dedication
Westerville Library:
Post Office building
Westerville Library:
Kilgore production award
Westerville Library:
Ration book
Westerville Library:
Display of soldier photos
Westerville Library:
Street lights on State St.
Westerville Library:
Construction of the dam
Westerville Library:
Construction of the library
Westerville Library:
Traffic stop