Western SMT:
Western SMT:
Western SMT:
Western SMT:
Union of South Africa awaits the Queen at Edinburgh Waverley as she travels to Twedbank to open the Borders rail line
Western SMT:
Union of South Africa ( 60009 ) at Edinburgh Waverley
Western SMT:
Nicola Sturgeon greets the drivers of the Union of South Africa at Edinburgh Waverley as she in turn awaits the Queen
Western SMT:
Pipers at Edinburgh Waverley awaiting the Queen at Edinburgh Waverley
Western SMT:
170414 sits at the buffers at Tweedbank station on the day the Queen would come to officially open the line
Western SMT:
170414 sits at the buffers at Tweedbank station on the day the Queen would come to officially open the line
Western SMT:
Adverts in Edinburgh Waverley announcing the opening of the Borders rail line to Tweedbank
Western SMT:
The drivers 0f the Union of South Africa look out as they await the arrival of the Queen as she travels to Tweedbank to officially open the Borders rail line
Western SMT:
Union of South Africa ( 60009) awaits the Queen at Edinburgh Waverley to open the new Borders line to Tweedbank
Western SMT:
The opening ceremony of the new Borders rail link from Edinburgh to Tweedbank
Western SMT:
The chap on the left looks like hes just dropped a tenner ..... the chap on the right looks like hes just found it ! The opening ceremony of the new Borders rail link from Edinburgh to Tweedbank
Western SMT:
The opening ceremony of the new Borders rail link from Edinburgh to Tweedbank
Western SMT:
The opening ceremony of the new Borders rail link from Edinburgh to Tweedbank
Western SMT:
The opening ceremony of the new Borders rail link from Edinburgh to Tweedbank
Western SMT:
The opening ceremony of the new Borders rail link from Edinburgh to Tweedbank
Western SMT:
The opening ceremony of the new Borders rail link from Edinburgh to Tweedbank
Western SMT:
Western SMT:
Western SMT:
The plaque freshly unveiled by the Queen at Tweedbank ststion to officially the Borders rail link
Western SMT:
67026 on the rear of the Royal train at Tweedbank after taking the Queen from Edinburgh to officially open the Borders rail link
Western SMT:
Union of South Africa sits at Tweedbank after taking the Queen from Edinburgh to officially open the Borders rail link