westedmontonlocal: A comfy couch and arm chairs make a cozy place to sit in Jeffrey's cafe and wine bar in Crestwood,Edmonton.
westedmontonlocal: Jeffrey's cafe offers personalized drinks named after staff and neighbourhoods like, "the Jazzy Jeffrey" and "Laurier Lemondrop" and "Crestwood Creamsicle".
westedmontonlocal: Jeffrey Kolbuc stands at the bar in his cafe and wine bar in Crestwood Plaza, west Edmonton.
westedmontonlocal: Live music is one of the main attractions to Jeffrey's cafe and wine bar in Crestwood, offering mostly jazz and blues but also indie rock and alternative music.
westedmontonlocal: Daily specials are available at Jeffrey's cafe in Crestwood.
westedmontonlocal: While some of food at Jeffrey's cafe in Crestwood is brought in, many of the sandwiches and popular menu items are made in store.
westedmontonlocal: Jeffrey's cafe and wine bar offers a great variety of drinks and snacks to enjoy while socializing or listening to the live entertainment.
westedmontonlocal: Jeffrey's espresso maker makes coffee for clients.
westedmontonlocal: Jeffrey Kolbuc stands at the bar in his cafe and wine bar in Crestwood Plaza, west Edmonton.
westedmontonlocal: Jessamie, a general manager at jeffrey's cafe in Crestwood steams up some milk for a specialty coffee beverage.