Wes Gibbon: Chainmaking
Wes Gibbon: Chainmaker Using Bellows
Wes Gibbon: Explaining His Craft
Wes Gibbon: Modern Technology
Wes Gibbon: City Gent
Wes Gibbon: Canal Basin by the Lime Kilns
Wes Gibbon: Canal Basin by the Lime Kilns
Wes Gibbon: Narrow Boat in the Boatyard (1)
Wes Gibbon: Narrow Boat in the Boatyard (2)
Wes Gibbon: Does This Contain Horsemeat?
Wes Gibbon: On the Other Hand...
Wes Gibbon: Nearly Finished
Wes Gibbon: Hardware Shop
Wes Gibbon: Coal Lorry
Wes Gibbon: Eyes Left
Wes Gibbon: Eyes Right - or Straight Ahead!
Wes Gibbon: I don't Like the Look of Him!
Wes Gibbon: Getting to the Point
Wes Gibbon: The Washhouse
Wes Gibbon: It's the Way They Tell 'em!
Wes Gibbon: Boatyard Workshop
Wes Gibbon: Boatyard Water Butt
Wes Gibbon: Boatyard Workshop - Rusty Drainpipe
Wes Gibbon: Boatyard - Wooden Sheds
Wes Gibbon: Boatyard Wooden Shed - Colourful Planks (1)
Wes Gibbon: Boatyard Wooden Shed - Colourful Planks and Window
Wes Gibbon: Boatyard Winch by the Sheds
Wes Gibbon: Boatyard Winch
Wes Gibbon: Boatyard: Old Boiler Detail
Wes Gibbon: Window with Reflection