Weruska.K: V hale IV / In the Hall IV
Weruska.K: Kancelář I / Office I
Weruska.K: Kancelář II / Office II
Weruska.K: Pro světlo / For the Light
Weruska.K: Vchod / The Entrace
Weruska.K: Větrat nutno / Necessity of Ventilation
Weruska.K: Jen kohoutky zůstaly / Only the Cocks have left
Weruska.K: Portrét fotografa / Photographer's Portrait
Weruska.K: V hale I / In the Hall I
Weruska.K: Zátiší se židlí a koulí světla / Piece with a Chair and Bowl of Light
Weruska.K: Jaké by to mohlo být... / What It Could Be...
Weruska.K: V hale II / In the Hall II
Weruska.K: Za oknem / Behind the Window
Weruska.K: V hale III / In the Hall III
Weruska.K: V hale V / In the Hall V
Weruska.K: Východ? / Exit?
Weruska.K: Hřiště / Playground
Weruska.K: Hala / Hall