wershwie: OCEANA, PUERTO GALERA - sunrise 3
wershwie: OCEANA, PUERTO GALERA - sunrise 2
wershwie: OCEANA, PUERTO GALERA - sunrise 1
wershwie: PALAWAN - quiet
wershwie: THE FARM, SAN BENITO - shining through
wershwie: THE FARM, SAN BENITO - tai chi shoot
wershwie: THE FARM, SAN BENITO - tai chi
wershwie: THE FARM, SAN BENITO - flowing wall
wershwie: CAVITE, AGUINALDO SHRINE - tower
wershwie: CAVITE, AGUINALDO SHRINE - tower2
wershwie: CALERUEGA - church with Alfie
wershwie: HK - FOGGY
wershwie: HK - RIVER
wershwie: HK - SAN MIGUEL
wershwie: GOOGLY!!!
wershwie: STRANDED
wershwie: ANILAO
wershwie: CLOUD-CAPPED
wershwie: FALLS
wershwie: MEDITATION
wershwie: GIANT GARDEN
wershwie: discovery tower
wershwie: discovery tower3
wershwie: discovery tower2
wershwie: FLORA
wershwie: PEEK-A-BOO
wershwie: THRONE