weremonkey: Halloween night with Don and Alex
weremonkey: Trick-or-Treater tally
weremonkey: 2017 Jack o Lanterns
weremonkey: Ellie cat on the living room sofa
weremonkey: 20160916_095109
weremonkey: blogger-image-1764047280.jpg
weremonkey: 20160914_125503
weremonkey: black and white cat
weremonkey: Tomte and bottlebrush tree
weremonkey: Christmas Tree
weremonkey: Stockings are hung at Casa WereMonster
weremonkey: Lisa and the little Russell Wright cocktail glass
weremonkey: collection of bottle caps from the Winter Solstice party
weremonkey: home-made pound cake
weremonkey: morning primrose 2016
weremonkey: morning primrose
weremonkey: mystery plant in back yard
weremonkey: lace leaf bleeding heart
weremonkey: the little flower that could
weremonkey: wild onions in the front yard