tsjones16: Hello, My Name Is...
tsjones16: Adorable
tsjones16: Giggly
tsjones16: Ecstatic
tsjones16: Ecstatic Outtake
tsjones16: Bubbly
tsjones16: Musical
tsjones16: Awkward
tsjones16: Curious
tsjones16: Curious Outtake
tsjones16: Hilarious
tsjones16: Hilarious Outtake
tsjones16: Meet Virginia
tsjones16: Her hair is always a mess
tsjones16: Catch her stealin' she won't confess
tsjones16: She's beautiful
tsjones16: Pulls her hair back as she screams
tsjones16: I don't really wanna be the queen
tsjones16: I'm going undercover, to catch a glimpse but not get caught
tsjones16: She'll pinch the nerves in all the necks, when she turns those heads around
tsjones16: Then in flutters a butterfly, ew just a moth drawn to the lamp
tsjones16: But to see her could be worse, if i don't get my head straight first
tsjones16: And they'll begin to chew her entire attire until it frays
tsjones16: Can't hold a candle to her, cause all the moths get in the way
tsjones16: If she want to dance and drink all night
tsjones16: We worked all week long now, the music is playing on our time
tsjones16: Well there's no one that can stop her
tsjones16: Yeah we do what we do to get by, and then we need a release
tsjones16: Sometimes the party takes you places that you never really planned on going