WernerDphotography: Baltimore County Agricultural Center
WernerDphotography: Baltimore County Ag Center
WernerDphotography: Baltimore County Ag Center
WernerDphotography: Baltimore County Ag Center
WernerDphotography: Baltimore County Ag Center
WernerDphotography: Marshy Point Nature Center
WernerDphotography: Marshy Point in Autumn
WernerDphotography: Autumn in Baltimore County
WernerDphotography: An admirer
WernerDphotography: A rose by any other name...
WernerDphotography: Great Pumpkin(s)
WernerDphotography: Great Pumpkins
WernerDphotography: Look at the camera...
WernerDphotography: Local Apples
WernerDphotography: Valley View Farms
WernerDphotography: Valley View Farms
WernerDphotography: I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!
WernerDphotography: Guardian of the Gourds
WernerDphotography: Temperature's Falling
WernerDphotography: Happy Halloween!
WernerDphotography: A little color remains.