jwerb: Cousins Island beach
jwerb: Cousin's Island beach
jwerb: Say cheese!
jwerb: Mike and Mark
jwerb: Jill and Mark
jwerb: Gorgeous Mark
jwerb: Yes we take our children to museums in swimsuits
jwerb: You can just see Hannah climbing on there
jwerb: Sagahadoc Campground beach - clamflats at low tide
jwerb: Ellie very happy
jwerb: Sagahadoc Campground beach
jwerb: Sagahadoc Campground beach
jwerb: Mark deep in thought
jwerb: Sagahadoc Campground beach
jwerb: Sagahadoc Campground beach
jwerb: Campsite - note tent diagonally across platform
jwerb: Wiffle ball
jwerb: Wiffle ball
jwerb: Wiffle ball
jwerb: Favourite hobby
jwerb: Showing off patriotism - Bath ME 7/4/2010
jwerb: Jill and Mark
jwerb: Shades dude
jwerb: Nice smudge... er... face painting
jwerb: Smile!
jwerb: Happy
jwerb: I would have thrown up, Hannah was fine
jwerb: Ellie fairground
jwerb: Watching the parade
jwerb: LOL love this