jwerb: H climbing trees
jwerb: Mark - say cheese!
jwerb: Some cute kids I found at the park
jwerb: Look at the state of those stairs
jwerb: Jill at Winslow Park
jwerb: Low tide at Winslow Park
jwerb: Winslow Park
jwerb: Ellie riding at Winslow
jwerb: Mark riding at Winslow
jwerb: H riding at Winslow
jwerb: Gorgeous Ellie
jwerb: Gorgeous H
jwerb: Winslow Park in the sunshine
jwerb: Cheeky thing
jwerb: Winslow at low tide
jwerb: Jill and babies at Winslow
jwerb: H, M, E and J at Winslow
jwerb: Kids at Fort William
jwerb: Bradbury Mountain State Park - Feldspar Quarry
jwerb: Ahem
jwerb: Note the medal and pink milk
jwerb: Ellie is not impressed at being a pin cushion
jwerb: Sunday River 4
jwerb: Sunday River 3
jwerb: Sunday River 2
jwerb: Sunday River 1
jwerb: Tree down on Hillside
jwerb: Why are THEY laughing? I'm the one with the cocktail
jwerb: Presumpscot River flooding
jwerb: Ferry Beach