jwerb: Ellie and gramps
jwerb: Mast Landing
jwerb: Mike, Mark, Ellie and Barbara at Mast Landing
jwerb: Grandma Barbara and Ellie
jwerb: Mark and grandad Mike
jwerb: Two brave soldiers hiking through the forest?
jwerb: You can see why Mark loves grandad so much
jwerb: On guard!
jwerb: It's this way grandad!
jwerb: Mark loving his new scooter from uncle Pete
jwerb: Ellie doing her Emo thing
jwerb: Aquarium by Hannah and Ellie
jwerb: Mark on his scooter
jwerb: Mark's 3rd birthday present
jwerb: A cake for me!
jwerb: "Happy birthday to you..."
jwerb: We didn't have any birthday cake candles...
jwerb: Mmmmmm chocolate cake
jwerb: Mark very excited about his Playmobil pirate ship
jwerb: Unwrapping presents
jwerb: Mark's new guitar
jwerb: Mark 'just call me rock star'
jwerb: Old photo of Mike from 1985?
jwerb: What's so funny?
jwerb: Practising his fingering (is that the right term?)
jwerb: Grandad helping unwrap presents
jwerb: Look at that stance!
jwerb: Yarmouth
jwerb: Yarmouth
jwerb: Toddybrook golf course