jwerb: Hannah scan 20 weeks
jwerb: Beehive: Scott, Jill, Mike, Hannah, Pete, Lucy
jwerb: Hannah scan 12 weeks AKA alien
jwerb: Hannah asleep on Mike Q's chest
jwerb: Denis, Lesley and new Hannah
jwerb: Hannah on grandad Denis's lap
jwerb: Cousin Emily with baby Hannah
jwerb: Hannah having her hair dried
jwerb: Jill and Hannah catching some Zs
jwerb: Hannah modelling favourite dress
jwerb: Grandma Sue and Hannah at Coopwell
jwerb: Granny Barbara, great-granny Vi, Hannah and Jill
jwerb: Thinking about being sick on daddy's shoulder
jwerb: Hannah really did love this mobile...
jwerb: What's so funny Hannah?
jwerb: Hannah thinking about her latest poo
jwerb: Jill and Hannah
jwerb: Close up of Hannah
jwerb: On daddy's lap
jwerb: Great-granny Vi and Hannah
jwerb: Four generations: Jill, great-granny Vi, Hannah, Bobby, granny Barbara
jwerb: Hannah reading with daddy
jwerb: Great-granny and great-grandad Teddyvi with Hannah