jwerb: Mark driving at the Maze Craze
jwerb: Hannah at the Maze Craze
jwerb: Typical Mark face
jwerb: Ellie at the Maze Craze
jwerb: Jill needing a haircut
jwerb: Ellie on the magic carpet at Shawnee
jwerb: Jill and Mark on the learner run at Shawnee
jwerb: Our fridge broke so we used the deck instead
jwerb: Guess what Mark's doing here?
jwerb: This is what skiing does to kids
jwerb: Mark at Deering Oaks -8C
jwerb: Ellie ice skating at Deering Oaks
jwerb: Hannah ice skating at Deering Oaks
jwerb: Ellie and Mark not really cold and miserable, honest
jwerb: Where is this photo taken?
jwerb: Hannah, no idea where
jwerb: Mark taken by Ellie
jwerb: Mark in snowshoes
jwerb: Ellie looking thoughtful
jwerb: Mark thinking?
jwerb: Does this girl like yoghurt or what?
jwerb: So Mr Zimmerman...
jwerb: Tell me all about your childhood
jwerb: Barbie in building hat
jwerb: Barbie after the bunny got her hand
jwerb: Do you like my nighty?
jwerb: Nice boots