jwerb: Big smile for the camera
jwerb: Dolly getting some boo-boo
jwerb: Ellie and dolly
jwerb: Who DOES she look like?
jwerb: Ellie's new favourite puzzle
jwerb: Rash, ouch
jwerb: Yet another Big Smile for the camera
jwerb: Cushion just in case...
jwerb: Yo!
jwerb: Mark and Hannah
jwerb: Ellie and Mark
jwerb: Bedtime milk
jwerb: Bonfire night: Hannah
jwerb: Bonfire night: Mark
jwerb: Bonfire night: Ellie
jwerb: Ellie in Hannah's slippers
jwerb: Ellie in Hannah's boots
jwerb: Cool playnest
jwerb: Bouncin' Baby Play Place
jwerb: Baby led weaning?
jwerb: Tantrum
jwerb: Gorgeous Mark
jwerb: Mark in stripes
jwerb: Hannah helping Ellie with clay
jwerb: A cup and plate for dolly, by Hannah
jwerb: Tasty fingers
jwerb: Tripp Trapp!
jwerb: What IS this thing?
jwerb: Ellie drawing
jwerb: Why is jarred food always orange?