Extract of 1950 Archibald Prize catalogue with illustration of Menzies portrait and two photos of portrait as signed in 1969 illustrating differences
Extract of 1950 Archibald Prize catalogue with illustration of Menzies portrait and two photos of portrait as signed in 1969 illustrating differences
Extract of 1950 Archibald Prize catalogue with illustration of Menzies portrait and two photos of portrait as signed in 1969 illustrating differences
Extract of 1950 Archibald Prize catalogue with illustration of Menzies portrait and two photos of portrait as signed in 1969 illustrating differences
Cheers, Pageantry As Canberra Celebrates 50 Years, Sydney Morning Herald, 13-Mar-63, p1
The Right Hon. R.G. Menzies. C.H., R.C., M.P., W.E. Pidgeon's 1950 Archibald portrait of the Prime Minister., A.M. The Australian Monthly, Feb-51p41