we own it: cameron houseman and sam finding a spindle coffee table
we own it: sam getting more & more alcohol
we own it: sam dancing in pike
we own it: fruit & gate & reflection
we own it: sam's brother fruit man
we own it: sam's brother selling fruit
we own it: sam and cam smoking
we own it: sam photo
we own it: randon people at pike place
we own it: t-shirt seller at pike place market
we own it: fruit seller at pike place market
we own it: best in market
we own it: sam drinking shaw from camel back
we own it: checking his photo at pike place
we own it: Guito's Revenge
we own it: pike place seller
we own it: ship and pier roof
we own it: photo of photo taking
we own it: jam seller at pike place market
we own it: photo taker at pike place
we own it: another pike place fruit man
we own it: sam's brother
we own it: cam's red cap in crowded pike place market
we own it: parking
we own it: sam smoking
we own it: family crossing the road
we own it: sketchy shot of espresso drinking family
we own it: protesters on pike
we own it: couple on pike place