we own it: Auckland lady taking picture on Queen St of guy sitting
we own it: stantan island tourists
we own it: Leaving Auckland
we own it: kevin taking picture of dead deer washed up on beach
we own it: photo shot for face paint guy eating noddles
we own it: a million years ago at the happy fun times healthy club
we own it: Jeremy admiring the space needle
we own it: gina taking picture of people in front of space needle
we own it: jeremy gina photo
we own it: photo
we own it: taco cat
we own it: photo of photo taking
we own it: sam photo
we own it: photo taker at pike place
we own it: checking his photo at pike place
we own it: film maker in capitol hill
we own it: zsolt taking a picture
we own it: taking a picture of taking a picture of fruit sush kabobs