wenyeec: how the garden grows
wenyeec: bok choy experiment
wenyeec: early durham spring
wenyeec: early durham spring
wenyeec: our daffodils
wenyeec: crocuses
wenyeec: crocuses
wenyeec: glory-of-the-snow
wenyeec: naturalized daffodil stands
wenyeec: bok choy experiment planted
wenyeec: tulips
wenyeec: tulips
wenyeec: tulips opening
wenyeec: tulips opening
wenyeec: azaleas
wenyeec: ranunculus
wenyeec: first peony!
wenyeec: first peony!
wenyeec: then there were two
wenyeec: gladiolus - thanks, ma, for straightening them out!
wenyeec: how the garden grows... (randomly)
wenyeec: campanula
wenyeec: jogasaki hydrangea
wenyeec: more gladiolus
wenyeec: what became of the bok choy - seeds
wenyeec: gladiolus
wenyeec: jogasaki hydrangea
wenyeec: a flowery mess
wenyeec: a flowery mess
wenyeec: cut