Wentworth Institute of Technology: @charliewiseman and @ChrisHaigh8 at WIT's employee appreciation luncheon - photo shared by @DeanWenner
Wentworth Institute of Technology: @wentworthinst shares a photo from Treat Yourself Tuesday
Wentworth Institute of Technology: @DTSatWIT brings more wireless coverage to the quad just in time for summer
Wentworth Institute of Technology: new banner displayed on Baker Hall - photo from @WITlife
Wentworth Institute of Technology: Social Innovation Lab with @WITXLR8 creates some awesome furniture prototypes with cardboard
Wentworth Institute of Technology: campus finally in bloom - photo from @DeanWenner
Wentworth Institute of Technology: @WITPlanning shares new tables with a great view
Wentworth Institute of Technology: Student Affairs enjoys a Red Sox game! photo from @heisermatt
Wentworth Institute of Technology: @DeanWenner debuts the new hashtag #SFADW (scenes from a dean's window) with this photo
Wentworth Institute of Technology: @WITCommuters shares a photo of summer life on campus
Wentworth Institute of Technology: Chris and Kyle ready to give campus tours with @WITAdmissions
Wentworth Institute of Technology: @WITXLR8's Social Innovation Lab enjoys a beautiful summer day outside