Wen • Wen: 八小時後,我們到密蘇里州囉~We made it to Missouri!
Wen • Wen: 睡到自然醒,咖啡配美景~Woke up to this gorgeous view from our room! I think I can get used to this!
Wen • Wen: Day 2 - Trip to beautiful Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: Day 2 - Trip to beautiful Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: Day 2 - Trip to beautiful Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: Day 2 - Trip to beautiful Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: Day 2 - Trip to beautiful Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: Beautiful downtown Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: Beautiful downtown Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: Day 2 - Trip to beautiful Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: Day 2 - Trip to beautiful Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: Day 2 - Trip to beautiful Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: Day 2 - Trip to beautiful Eureka Springs, AR
Wen • Wen: We enjoyed the greatest outdoor play, The Passion Play!
Wen • Wen: DAY 3 - Just strolling around Branson 第三天 - 到處走走晃晃
Wen • Wen: DAY 3 - Just strolling around Branson 第三天 - 到處走走晃晃
Wen • Wen: DAY 3 - Just strolling around Branson 第三天 - 到處走走晃晃
Wen • Wen: DAY 3 - Just strolling around Branson 第三天 - 到處走走晃晃
Wen • Wen: Gotta get my morning coffee 睡眼惺忪, 趕快來杯咖啡
Wen • Wen: 休息, 是為了走更長遠的路~~~ (其實是老了, 走不動了!!!) Resting up to walk some more.....!!!
Wen • Wen: 排隊看秀去In line for some funny show at the saloon
Wen • Wen: 排隊看秀去In line for some funny show at the saloon
Wen • Wen: 排隊看秀去In line for some funny show at the saloon
Wen • Wen: 排隊看秀去In line for some funny show at the saloon
Wen • Wen: Silver Dollar City 主題樂園Silver Dollar City Branson Missouri