Wen • Wen: 1/366 2012.01.01 First Dinner in 2012 - Lasagna
Wen • Wen: 2/366 2012.01.02 巧克力瑞士捲 Chocolate Swiss Roll
Wen • Wen: 3/366 2012.01.03 開工第一天,萬里無雲! What a great way to start the First day of work in 2012! Love this weather!
Wen • Wen: 4/366 2012.01.04 藍天白雲好舒服~ Another nice day!
Wen • Wen: 5/366 2012.01.05 韓國即溶咖啡摩卡,還不錯!不過我都三包泡一杯,而且是加熱咖啡,不是加熱水! O_o Korean instant Mocha... Not bad!
Wen • Wen: 6/366 2012.01.06 蘿蔔糕,在華人超市買現成的回來自己煎。還是媽媽做的好吃多了! Turnip Cake, bought it at Chinatown in Houston. It tasted alright, but Mom's are so much better!!!
Wen • Wen: 7/366 2012.01.07 晚餐吃冬粉 Rice noodles for dinner.
Wen • Wen: 8/366 2012.01.08 白菜滷 Napa cabbage + black mushrooms stew
Wen • Wen: 9/366 2012.01.09 天氣冷,要多護唇吶! Lips are getting soooo dry with this cold dry weather!
Wen • Wen: 10/366 2012.01.10 今天天氣很不優! I miss sunshine.... :-/
Wen • Wen: 11/366 2012.01.11 雪人最愛吃哈密瓜! Hubby loves cantaloupes
Wen • Wen: 12/366 2012.01.12 香草拿鐵 ~ 今天好冷,零度的天氣!(抖) A warm vanilla latte is much needed for today's freezing weather!
Wen • Wen: 13/366 2012.01.13 耶! 免費一杯星巴克! Yay! Free drink!
Wen • Wen: 14/366 2012.01.14
Wen • Wen: 15/366 2012.01.15 早餐 - 兩片蛋糕 + 黑咖啡 Breakfast - Marble creme cake + coffee
Wen • Wen: 16/366 2012.01.16 吃吃吃!整個休假都在吃! Time to eat again!!! Feel like we've been eating non stop for the whole entire 3 day weekend!
Wen • Wen: 17/366 2012.01.17 這個很好用耶~ Try the new foundation and I like it a lot! ^_^
Wen • Wen: 18/366 2012.01.18 今天晚餐 - 台灣高麗菜 + 烤鴨 + 叉燒肉
Wen • Wen: 19/366 2012.01.19 今天好溫暖 ~ It's so warm today~
Wen • Wen: 20/366 2012.01.20 今天也太熱了吧! It is so hot today!!!
Wen • Wen: 21/366 2012.01.21 過年來爸爸媽媽家聊天吃瓜子! Enjoy spending time with family!
Wen • Wen: 22/366 2012.01.22 枯萎的花也有它的美 請別忘了它也曾經綻放過 ~
Wen • Wen: 23/366 2012.01.23 晴朗的天氣迎接大年初一 祝大家龍年大吉大利 事事順心
Wen • Wen: 24/366 2012.01.24 我們的晚餐 - 義大利肉丸麵
Wen • Wen: 25/366 2012.01.25 31盎司星巴克。。好可惜只有賣冰的。。。 Big "Trenta" triple suicide from Starbucks! I wish they sell hot ones in this big size as well!
Wen • Wen: 26/366 2012.01.26 今天的天氣 很迷人 / Another Nice day
Wen • Wen: 27/366 2012.01.27 今天懶得下廚,吃麥當勞烤雞沙拉!
Wen • Wen: 28/366 2012.01.28 今天去達拉斯無意間找到這家店,很好吃喔! I found this Chinese restaurant when I was roaming around Dallas today! Very yummy food!
Wen • Wen: 29/366 2012.01.29 來爸媽家,減肥就會破功。。。 (攤手) It's impossible to keep the diet when I see my parents' cooking.... (sigh)
Wen • Wen: 30/366 2012.01.30 德州259公路 Texas Highway 259