Wen • Wen: Our Wedding Cake 我們的蛋糕
Wen • Wen: The Groom
Wen • Wen: Shannon with his Mom, Annell
Wen • Wen: Shannon with his Mom, Annell
Wen • Wen: Shannon and him Dad, Jim
Wen • Wen: Shannon's sister, Julia, and brother, Lance
Wen • Wen: The boys!
Wen • Wen: one of Shannon's best friend, Eddie
Wen • Wen: Shannon with flower girls and ring bearer
Wen • Wen: Another Shannon's best friend, Brian
Wen • Wen: 我跟爸爸 Me and Daddy
Wen • Wen: Daddy's a little shy
Wen • Wen: 我跟媽媽 Me and Mom
Wen • Wen: 我最親愛的老弟!!!! My dearest brother!!!!
Wen • Wen: 爸爸跟弟弟 Daddy and Chieh
Wen • Wen: 我們一家人~ My Family
Wen • Wen: 姊姊跟媽媽 Sissy and Mom
Wen • Wen: 阿瑋跟妍伶 Jim & Ann
Wen • Wen: me and Kristan
Wen • Wen: 大阪(弟弟的女朋友) 跟弟弟 Stephanie and Chieh