Wennie Guo: 可愛的妹妹
Wennie Guo: 臥佛 1
Wennie Guo: 【這些人,那些事】四面佛
Wennie Guo: 四面佛
Wennie Guo: 好多電線!!!
Wennie Guo: Bangkok street
Wennie Guo: Bangkok street
Wennie Guo: Traffic jam in Bangkok
Wennie Guo: 【Nothing special】Bokeh traffic in Bangkok
Wennie Guo: 泰國曼谷
Wennie Guo: 泰國曼谷機場
Wennie Guo: 泰國曼谷
Wennie Guo: Oh, it's snowing!
Wennie Guo: 【不能說的秘密】Remember what you love to do and go do it!
Wennie Guo: 【不能說的秘密】當習慣不再習慣了, 心底空出了一塊地方, 不踏實,好空虛。 到底是眷戀習慣? 還是害怕會改變?
Wennie Guo: In the street
Wennie Guo: In the street
Wennie Guo: 【遇見】In the street
Wennie Guo: A Bangkok Christmas
Wennie Guo: In the street
Wennie Guo: Bokeh traffic of Bangkok
Wennie Guo: Traffic jam in Bangkok
Wennie Guo: 在曼谷街頭印象最深的,就是很多電線!
Wennie Guo: 在曼谷街頭印象最深的,就是很多電線!
Wennie Guo: Christmas in Bangkok!
Wennie Guo: Christmas in Bangkok!
Wennie Guo: In the street