WENG711: 花的姿態
WENG711: 愛情花 Agapanthus africanus
WENG711: white dog in Santorini
WENG711: Santorini, Greece
WENG711: Green Leaves
WENG711: swan
WENG711: 遠望
WENG711: 放牛吃草
WENG711: pink flower
WENG711: spider
WENG711: spider
WENG711: spider
WENG711: snail
WENG711: yellow flowers
WENG711: after the rain
WENG711: fall leaves
WENG711: red furry ball
WENG711: whirl 02
WENG711: DSCN0245
WENG711: green and black
WENG711: 昂首
WENG711: flower in the darkness
WENG711: green light
WENG711: Cat's Ears
WENG711: whirl 01
WENG711: Toffee