Wendy Mc: Welcome to the LauraPalooza Conference!
Wendy Mc: Best T-shirt ever
Wendy Mc: Yes, that is the brown poplin with the poke bonnet!!!!!
Wendy Mc: Sarah Sue at the Social
Wendy Mc: Garth Williams FTW!
Wendy Mc: At the tribute to Bill Anderson
Wendy Mc: The conference ballroom
Wendy Mc: Yes, they figured out the Myers-Briggs Types for Laura and Rose
Wendy Mc: Betsy's House
Wendy Mc: Tacy's house
Wendy Mc: Maud Hart Lovelace impersonator
Wendy Mc: Mrs. Lovelace's lovely bag
Wendy Mc: The Betsy-Tacy bench
Wendy Mc: Tib's house!
Wendy Mc: Maud remembers
Wendy Mc: DSCF4741.JPG
Wendy Mc: The big hard coal heater
Wendy Mc: Betsy-Tacy books
Wendy Mc: Dean Butler at documentary screening
Wendy Mc: Dean Butler
Wendy Mc: Sleepy Eye!
Wendy Mc: Walnut Grove Festival
Wendy Mc: Laura and Nellie contest
Wendy Mc: The few, the proud, the Nellies
Wendy Mc: Who, Pa, Nellie, who?
Wendy Mc: Sesame Ball from the Hmong food booth.
Wendy Mc: Hmong booth at the Walnut Grove family festival
Wendy Mc: In the wonderful house
Wendy Mc: Dugout replica at Walnut Grove Museum