WendyGA: Larry Wall action figure
WendyGA: Larry Wall action figure
WendyGA: 3D-printed Camel with PERL letters
WendyGA: Perl from a lasercutter
WendyGA: Dutch camel given to me during Dutch Perl Workshop 2012
WendyGA: One hundred Wallars
WendyGA: Larry Wall sticker, saying There's More Than One Way To Do It
WendyGA: Larry Wall stickers, saying There's More Than One Way To Do It
WendyGA: Larry Wall card - backside has "Space for signature"
WendyGA: Backside of big Larry Wall card - with "Space for signature"
WendyGA: Backside of big Larry Wall card - with "Space for signature"
WendyGA: Card - Perl 6 is... when you have butterflies in your stomach
WendyGA: Backside of YAPC EU 2017 card - Perl 6 is... when you have butterflies in your stomach
WendyGA: Card - Perl 6 is... when you are travelling with your dream
WendyGA: Backside of TPC in Glasgow 2018 card - Perl 6 is... when you are travellin with your dream
WendyGA: Brochure and additional information for RPerl made by Will Braswell
WendyGA: Little robot alarm clock
WendyGA: Little robot alarm clock
WendyGA: Badge for your nickname or other preferred wat to call you
WendyGA: Badge for your nickname or other preferred wat to call you
WendyGA: Wristbands
WendyGA: Wristband - Perl 5 yin-and-yang Perl 6 - TIMTOWTDI
WendyGA: cPanel travel help - address label
WendyGA: cPanel travel help - address label
WendyGA: Stickers I Love Perl 5 & Perl 6
WendyGA: Mojolicious and Perl 5 Velociraptor stickers
WendyGA: Big collection of Perl-stickers
WendyGA: Several Perl-stickers
WendyGA: Perl 6 t-shirt with Camelia butterflies
WendyGA: Perl 6 t-shirt with Camelia butterflies