Wendy Copley: Airplane Laundry Basket
Wendy Copley: Torture
Wendy Copley: Big Giggles
Wendy Copley: Parental Favoritism
Wendy Copley: The Copley Boys Sing "Batman"
Wendy Copley: Loose tooth
Wendy Copley: Augie Riding his Bike
Wendy Copley: Wyatt without training wheels
Wendy Copley: Happy, standing baby!
Wendy Copley: Crawling!
Wendy Copley: My baby loves the Ramones
Wendy Copley: 50 Yard Dash
Wendy Copley: Erin Drinking Beer with a Robot Hand
Wendy Copley: Wyatt with ice cream
Wendy Copley: Jumpy Beach Boy!
Wendy Copley: IMG_4270
Wendy Copley: Tangerine!
Wendy Copley: Sack Race