wendyb104: Two Sisters Pumpkin Patch
wendyb104: Cave Run
wendyb104: backyard daffodils
wendyb104: Camp McKee - take aim
wendyb104: reach for the sky - tulip poplar
wendyb104: beautiful Montgomery Co. sky
wendyb104: Camp McKee father, son, and dancing campfire
wendyb104: ants on peony
wendyb104: bee flying
wendyb104: 2008 fat Kentucky cardinal
wendyb104: winter jay
wendyb104: bumble bee
wendyb104: honey bee on apple blossom
wendyb104: bumble bee on redbud
wendyb104: ants communicating on the peony
wendyb104: ralphy in the yard
wendyb104: 2007 the great pumpkin
wendyb104: brightly colored doors, Methodist Church turned Art Center
wendyb104: Queen St, Mt. Sterling Court Days
wendyb104: Dusty, Mt. Sterling Court Days
wendyb104: Mt. Sterling Court Days
wendyb104: Mt. Sterling Court Day's exhaustion
wendyb104: i'm blessed with a beautiful family
wendyb104: Snow bunny
wendyb104: cousins and poppy
wendyb104: "You gotta be kiddin' me!"
wendyb104: He missed it....but that's okay..."
wendyb104: the boys in the dugout
wendyb104: family is a blessing!
wendyb104: prom2