wendyu: Jermaine and Mr. Boxcar going to work
wendyu: Jermaine is a cool dude
wendyu: out on the track
wendyu: Jermaine cruisin with me
wendyu: everyone else can eat our dust
wendyu: i love to run with Jermaine
wendyu: We can fly!
wendyu: We can beat em all
wendyu: returning from the workout
wendyu: all done?
wendyu: it's nice out here
wendyu: I don t want to go back in
wendyu: do we have to?
wendyu: why aren't you listening to me
wendyu: I want to hang with my buddies
wendyu: Do we have to go in?
wendyu: i said i want to stay out
wendyu: NOooo
wendyu: do we have to go in?
wendyu: please let's stay out!
wendyu: I want to stay out!
wendyu: Another great day at Philly Park
wendyu: i can't believe we're done playing
wendyu: Ms. Curry, get out of our way!
wendyu: Get out of the way
wendyu: yes, me and the camera please
wendyu: yes! the camera
wendyu: don't we look good
wendyu: we were made for tv
wendyu: no autographs please