wendyu: Bruce and steph working a horse
wendyu: Bruce and Steph working a horse
wendyu: Front shot of treadmill
wendyu: the water is almost all gone now from the tread mill
wendyu: bruce letting the horse out of the treadmill
wendyu: Bruce and Steph working with a horse in the aqua tread
wendyu: horse getting out of the treadmill
wendyu: Steph cleaning out the hooves before the horse enters tread mill
wendyu: Em ready with the poop scooper
wendyu: Em
wendyu: Em with the most important job of catching the poop
wendyu: this guy is totally posing while getting his workout
wendyu: working out in the aqua treadmill
wendyu: Famously watching the action at the treadmill
wendyu: the view from the end of the Aqua treadmill
wendyu: emily ready at a moments notice
wendyu: the back end of the aqua treadmill
wendyu: getting an ultra sound
wendyu: A horse getting an ultrasound on front left leg
wendyu: an equine sun lamp/tanning salon :)
wendyu: Inside of Equine Therapy.
wendyu: inbetween the barns