Nasha Ila: Whittemore Gulch and Harkins Ridge Loop Trail
Nasha Ila: Whittemore Gulch and Harkins Ridge Loop Trail
Nasha Ila: Whittemore Gulch and Harkins Ridge Loop Trail
Nasha Ila: Near the top of the North Trail
Nasha Ila: Another view of Maverick's Point
Nasha Ila: The Whittemore Gulch trail
Nasha Ila: North Trail
Nasha Ila: The Whittemore Gulch trail
Nasha Ila: December in the Redwoods
Nasha Ila: Dim light at the bottom of the gulch
Nasha Ila: A forest beast guards this path
Nasha Ila: A slippery trail
Nasha Ila: Harkin's Trail from the South end
Nasha Ila: Vibrant moss
Nasha Ila: Rolling elevation changes
Nasha Ila: The Pacific Ocean and Maverick Point
Nasha Ila: Climbing back up Harkin's Trail