Nasha Ila: A natural anti-theft system
Nasha Ila: Desert shrubs
Nasha Ila: A dormant mud volcano
Nasha Ila: Mud Volcano
Nasha Ila: Looking down, halfway up the mud volcano
Nasha Ila: Mud Volcano
Nasha Ila: The "crucible" of the Mud Volcano
Nasha Ila: Don't fall back!
Nasha Ila: Don't mess with the Crocs!
Nasha Ila: FUN!
Nasha Ila: Hingol National Park - route to Nani Mandar
Nasha Ila: A ship of the desert
Nasha Ila: Down by the riverbed in Hingol
Nasha Ila: Lunch site at Hingol
Nasha Ila: Hingol, en route to Nani Mandar
Nasha Ila: Dry riverbed
Nasha Ila: Another perspective on dry clay
Nasha Ila: Racing for the light!
Nasha Ila: Hanging on for dear life!
Nasha Ila: A campsite with a view!
Nasha Ila: A few feet off the beaten path!
Nasha Ila: Time to head home!
Nasha Ila: The nightsky away from city lights