Nasha Ila: Man made reservoir near Bhootanee Farms
Nasha Ila: Looking out towards over the Durand line
Nasha Ila: Another shot of the hostile terrain near the Durand line
Nasha Ila: Approaching Bhootanee Farms
Nasha Ila: Let there be light!
Nasha Ila: Abid getting creative with my glasses
Nasha Ila: Slipstream
Nasha Ila: Before the dust bath
Nasha Ila: Covered in road dust and loving it!
Nasha Ila: Burrrrn - SPF 60 will not do jack here
Nasha Ila: Open jeeps are fun
Nasha Ila: Imadi - well dusted!
Nasha Ila: Enroute to Bhootanee farms
Nasha Ila: Off in search of the elusive g-spot ^H^H^H^H stop
Nasha Ila: An evening at the beach
Nasha Ila: 'wheeling on the beach!
Nasha Ila: A day at the beach
Nasha Ila: Sunset
Nasha Ila: A jeep by moon and firelight
Nasha Ila: Carving our own trail near Bhootanee Farms
Nasha Ila: Broiling under the merciless Balochistan sun
Nasha Ila: Lake Chabot Bike Loop
Nasha Ila: Lock 26 at the C&O Canal has a massive tree. My bike looks like an ant next to it.