welshjj (traveling too darned much): "Gentle look of a Wild Pony"
welshjj (traveling too darned much): "Hangin' at the beach"
welshjj (traveling too darned much): "I will bite them- I swear"
welshjj (traveling too darned much): "Hey- step on that crab"
welshjj (traveling too darned much): "My what a big tongue you have..."
welshjj (traveling too darned much): NO WAY I'm being ridden
welshjj (traveling too darned much): When it rains it pours
welshjj (traveling too darned much): (HDR) red skies in the morning- sailors take warning
welshjj (traveling too darned much): Cocoa Beach Pier & Venus & sunrise
welshjj (traveling too darned much): Cookie ready for Christmas
welshjj (traveling too darned much): good advice from a rock