WelshHatter2000: 3802 accelerates through Deeside Loop on the 10.15 Llangollen to Carog service
WelshHatter2000: Weathered 'Black Five' 45156 (45337) climbs Berwyn bank with the 10.50 Llangollen to Carrog service
WelshHatter2000: 45337 masquerading as 45156 'Ayrshire Yeomanry' at Carrog
WelshHatter2000: 45156 at Carrog, running round the stock that will form the 12.05 service to Llangollen
WelshHatter2000: 45156 waits for the signal at Carrog
WelshHatter2000: Running into Carrog in torrential rain - 7822 'Foxcote Manor' & 3802
WelshHatter2000: About to couple up to the stock of the 13.55 Carrog to Llangollen service - 7822 & 3802
WelshHatter2000: At Llangollen and just about to take on water - 3802 arrived on the 14.29 ex-Carrog
WelshHatter2000: 7822 'Foxcote Manor' at Llangollen