WelshMcSpicy: Beachcombing
WelshMcSpicy: Balboa Pier, Southern California
WelshMcSpicy: First intro to the Pacifica Beach Ocean!
WelshMcSpicy: Almost there...
WelshMcSpicy: Gimme back my surfboard, woof!
WelshMcSpicy: Elephants on parade...
WelshMcSpicy: Twin Peaks
WelshMcSpicy: Dislocate now or on the rocks?
WelshMcSpicy: The Invisible Man hunts for worms...
WelshMcSpicy: Can I Dad, Huh, Please?
WelshMcSpicy: Shepherd's Joy
WelshMcSpicy: Ghost Ship
WelshMcSpicy: "Ohhhh Do The Hokey Kokey..."
WelshMcSpicy: OK, think I've mastered it. Now for the water...
WelshMcSpicy: Damn horses hogging all the surf...
WelshMcSpicy: Viagra, Schmiagra...
WelshMcSpicy: Okay, now...SHARK DEFENSE...aaaaahhhh
WelshMcSpicy: Ocean Beach #1 Full Shot
WelshMcSpicy: Me too! This Porcupine Quill just Appeared Outta Nowhere!
WelshMcSpicy: First Horses, now Dogs. Beam Me Up, Scottie
WelshMcSpicy: The Bay
WelshMcSpicy: The Stepes
WelshMcSpicy: The Incredible Shrinking Surfer
WelshMcSpicy: Tip Toe
WelshMcSpicy: I Have That Sinking Feeling...
WelshMcSpicy: Blue Day
WelshMcSpicy: Surfer Tango