(^_^) WK: 油揚魚生飯
(^_^) WK: 40元一客魚生飯
(^_^) WK: Playground ruined by Typhoon Hagupit
(^_^) WK: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
(^_^) WK: Beef Brisket and Beef Tendon in curry Sauce with Rice
(^_^) WK: 偷得浮生半日閒,吃一份豬扒包茶餐
(^_^) WK: 小一取錄信
(^_^) WK: My Christmas Eve Supper
(^_^) WK: 裸族 with Western Digital 640G Hard Disk
(^_^) WK: 今天買的玩具
(^_^) WK: 抱抱大榕樹 (Blessing of the Banyan Tree)
(^_^) WK: 17 Again
(^_^) WK: 六四燭光晚會剪報 2009.06.04
(^_^) WK: 糯米雞
(^_^) WK: Vendi Skim Latte
(^_^) WK: 囍宴金牌蘿蔔糕餅
(^_^) WK: Supreme Radish Cake
(^_^) WK: 稻香蘿蔔糕
(^_^) WK: 食物與廚藝:麵食、醬料、甜點、飲料+限量書盒
(^_^) WK: 食物與廚藝
(^_^) WK: iPhone vs Windows Moblie vs Palm