Wells County Public Library: Hanging out with the "Stars"
Wells County Public Library: Going for book cart rides
Wells County Public Library: Going for book cart rides
Wells County Public Library: Looking out over the balcony
Wells County Public Library: Looking out over the balcony
Wells County Public Library: Looking out over the balcony
Wells County Public Library: Checking out the books from up above
Wells County Public Library: Playing in the elevator
Wells County Public Library: Going to the 2nd floor
Wells County Public Library: Riding the elevator
Wells County Public Library: Is there a weight limit on this thing?
Wells County Public Library: Getting ready for our first elevator ride
Wells County Public Library: Tug-o-War. Who will win?
Wells County Public Library: Pull with all your might
Wells County Public Library: We almost have it!
Wells County Public Library: We don't think so!
Wells County Public Library: Sleeping out under the stars
Wells County Public Library: Stargazing is so fun!
Wells County Public Library: Just hanging out with friends.
Wells County Public Library: Sitting quietly...for just a second
Wells County Public Library: Camouflaged as a book