Wells County Public Library: a different kind of egg roll
Wells County Public Library: all the eggs are in!
Wells County Public Library: beginning the breakfast scamble
Wells County Public Library: bowling with marbles
Wells County Public Library: bowling with pencils
Wells County Public Library: careful guidance
Wells County Public Library: Don't get in a rubberband fight with him. He's good!
Wells County Public Library: finding just the right balance
Wells County Public Library: getting it just right
Wells County Public Library: getting ready to swing
Wells County Public Library: having fun even if we look crazy
Wells County Public Library: He came the closest of anybody to finishing on time.
Wells County Public Library: only one can to go
Wells County Public Library: ping pong challenge
Wells County Public Library: rubber band target practice
Wells County Public Library: shoo little eggs
Wells County Public Library: slow and steady wins
Wells County Public Library: steady... steady
Wells County Public Library: successful hanging
Wells County Public Library: taking a practice roll