Wells County Public Library: Ossian Branch Library
Wells County Public Library: Crafts at the Ossian Branch Library
Wells County Public Library: Wee Read at the Ossian Branch Library
Wells County Public Library: Wee Read at the Ossian Branch Library
Wells County Public Library: Ronald McDonald visits Ossian
Wells County Public Library: Kids Club-Ballerina 008
Wells County Public Library: Wee Read Kids Go Fishing
Wells County Public Library: Kids' Club tries out their homemade boats
Wells County Public Library: Storytime Kids float their boats
Wells County Public Library: Ossian Staff just goofing off
Wells County Public Library: Ronald relaxes after an exhausting show!
Wells County Public Library: Angela and Ronald share a smile.
Wells County Public Library: Goofing around with Ronald
Wells County Public Library: Ronald finds a great place to rest his arm
Wells County Public Library: The adults enjoyed Ronald's show, too!
Wells County Public Library: Enjoying the show
Wells County Public Library: Ronald McDonald and his fans