kathy weller: The Sketchbook Project 2011- sketch #2 - Raining Cats and Dogs
kathy weller: The Sketchbook Project 2011- sketch #1 - Dogs and Purses
kathy weller: The Sketchbook Project 2011 - Sketch #3 - Luck, Love, & Timing
kathy weller: Sketchbook Project #4 - Cats and flowers with vines
kathy weller: The Sketchbook Project #5 - Polka Dot Triathlon
kathy weller: The Sketchbook Project drawing #6 - California Dogs
kathy weller: The Sketchbook Project #7: What to wear today?
kathy weller: The Sketchbook Project #8: City Scene
kathy weller: The Sketchbook Project #9: Gigantic Trampoline
kathy weller: Illustration Friday: Beneath & Sketchbook Project #12: Community
kathy weller: Sketchbook Project #12 ink
kathy weller: Sketchbook Project #13: Don't Tell Me...
kathy weller: Sketchbook Project #14 - Skaters & Gymnasts
kathy weller: Illustration Friday: RACING