wekusha (busy):
my two little big loves :-)
wekusha (busy):
0,5 + 0,5 = 1
wekusha (busy):
every time you kiss me kiss me like this is the last time...
wekusha (busy):
"don't look at me now", she said
wekusha (busy):
...and i will fly awayyyyyy :-)
wekusha (busy):
listen to the music...
wekusha (busy):
my everything
wekusha (busy):
fighter dominika :-)
wekusha (busy):
my delicious chocolate bokeh
wekusha (busy):
my friend Veronika
wekusha (busy):
banana split baby
wekusha (busy):
i'll wait for you... in midnight hours...
wekusha (busy):
what to wear for the party?
wekusha (busy):
if i were born in 1940' :-)
wekusha (busy):
if i were born in 1940' :-)
wekusha (busy):
love in paris
wekusha (busy):
waiting for you
wekusha (busy):
the last day i had my long hair... :-(
wekusha (busy):
kissing in the X-mas ball
wekusha (busy):
me and benny
wekusha (busy):
004/365: Lazy day...
wekusha (busy):
005/365: Le scaphandre et le papillon
wekusha (busy):
007/365: look into my eyes...
wekusha (busy):
020/365: The truth hurts and lies worse...
wekusha (busy):
029/365: Tired and without inspiration
wekusha (busy):
030/365: Just want to be with you
wekusha (busy):
035/365: "Hello, my name is Idushka and I am looking for a new job" :-D
wekusha (busy):
052/365: Enjoying the spring with my friends
wekusha (busy):
064/365: Time for selfportrait