weir thru a lens: Spring Blossom in Broxburn
weir thru a lens: Spring Blossom in Broxburn
weir thru a lens: Spring Blossom in Broxburn
weir thru a lens: Another frost morning, out with the dogs. Beautiful!
weir thru a lens: Another frosty morning, out with the dogs. Beautiful!
weir thru a lens: Another B-E-A-utiful day in Scotland. Walking the dogs in the fresh morning air. Fancy it?
weir thru a lens: dark skies
weir thru a lens: red, blue & purple over Broxburn
weir thru a lens: red & blue sky over Broxburn
weir thru a lens: the view from our spare room this morning.
weir thru a lens: Ice on road
weir thru a lens: Trees in Bangour
weir thru a lens: Tree swoop
weir thru a lens: Trees in Bangour
weir thru a lens: Trees in Bangour
weir thru a lens: Cross on the steeple of Bangour Village Hospital church building
weir thru a lens: Sign over the door of the church at Bangour Village Hospital
weir thru a lens: The Shop at Bangour
weir thru a lens: out for a wander in the Spring sunlight. babyB waving at our shadows. v cute
weir thru a lens: Slow Down
weir thru a lens: Grace on a bench
weir thru a lens: Grace up close
weir thru a lens: Sign on the path
weir thru a lens: Carving on the wall at Bangour Village Hospital
weir thru a lens: a marker in time on a house of prayer and worship that's now unused, yet still in good shape.
weir thru a lens: A rainbow over a house
weir thru a lens: Freshly planted
weir thru a lens: Back from the bike ride, talking the dogs for a walk. Here's some swans on the canal:
weir thru a lens: Books, Sun, Garden, Hoegarten. and no #bgt. All set for a good evening!
weir thru a lens: More grass